Have you ever wished to spend less time on certain areas of your business that might be outsourced—or eliminated altogether? How many hours or your time each week could be freed up by moving to the RIA business model? How could having more flexibility and/or consistent operational and investment processes positively impact you, your staff and your clients?
While every practice is unique, when many advisors envision building their ideal business, it often involves:
- Transitioning more (or all) business to fees
- Making a switch from custodian and/or broker/dealer
- Creating more efficient systems with new software and processes
Believe it or not, implementing big changes and improvements to your business usually results in some exciting opportunities. As a forward-thinking business owner, you can actually future proof your business by planning well and conducting
Our experienced practice development, transition, and back office teams work closely with advisors to build a customized roadmap to get them where they want to go. Change is inevitable. With every major change, client attrition is possible. But based on your unique business needs and goals, the FocusPoint team can help create a transition plan that’s designed to work smoothly and most effectively for you and your clients.
When it comes to changing business models, what we often hear from advisors is that “I don’t know what I don’t know!”. That’s where we come in. Our firm can help take the unknowns out of the equation as you’re guided by a personalized staff of knowledgeable professionals from start to finish. And once you’re ready to go, our team’s assistance with paperwork and operations will allow you to focus on meeting with your clients, talking with them about the exciting and beneficial changes you’ve chosen to make.