Advisor E-Tips

Once a month, we send out a success strategy or practice management idea aimed at helping independent advisors become more productive and profitable.

We may link you to an especially poignant article or steer you toward an industry discussion board that provides helpful insights. We may send commentary on something we’ve read or feel strongly about. Whatever we send, we promise it will be a “quick read” containing targeted information and thoughts about how you can build a highly efficient and profitable fee-based business.

The Advisor’s Guide to Outsourcing: Scaling Your Business in 2025

What’s stopping your startup from reaching full potential? If you’re bogged down by tedious, non-revenue-generating tasks, it’s time to consider outsourcing—and here’s why.  The ability to scale efficiently is one of the primary challenges financial advisors must tackle. For many early-stage businesses, hiring full-time staff for every function isn’t feasible. This is where outsourcing steps […]

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7 Key Business Activities Advisors Can Outsource Today to Shed Inefficiencies

Is Your Business Carrying Extra Weight? Running a financial advisory practice can sometimes feel like managing a body carrying too much excess weight. Just as carrying extra weight affects physical health, operational inefficiencies impact a company’s overall health. Tasks that no longer add value, processes that haven’t evolved with technological advancements, and redundant workflow steps […]

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Independence vs. Captivity

Legend has it that in the quaint town of Middlefield, an old, ornate signpost once stood at a fork in the road, guiding travelers with its timeless wisdom. One path veered right, winding through lush, untamed wilderness, symbolizing freedom and the unknown. The other turned left, leading down a narrow, well-paved lane bordered by high, predictable fences. Like the travelers of Middlefield, today’s financial advisors face a similar junction in their professional journeys: the decision between striking out independently or remaining under the umbrella of a broker-dealer.

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Who Controls Your Balance Sheet?

The Importance of Independence in the Financial Industry Maintaining control over one’s balance sheet is critical for financial advisors, by allowing them to make decisions based on their values and goals, free from external pressures. It is becoming imperative for financial advisors to consider their future as mergers and acquisitions continue to disrupt advisors and […]

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Going Beyond Traditional Outsourcing Reflecting on the Journey Ahead Picture this: it’s a quiet evening in your office, and you are lost in thought, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of your practice. As you reflect on your day, the skyline twinkles in the distance, and a sense of calm washes over you. Yet, amidst […]

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3 Tips to TELL YOUR STORY… and Boost Your Growth

No one said it was easy. But when you put the time and energy into telling YOUR STORY—REALLY identifying what you’re passionate about and what makes you special—growth with the right clients is sure to follow. FocusPoint’s thoughtfully comprehensive Practice Development Program, led by our experienced team of consultants, is available to all FocusPoint advisors. […]

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Roadblocks that Hinder Progress and Success

As we accelerate into the second half of 2023, it’s an opportune time to glean insights from recurring obstacles that hinder well-intentioned advisors from moving forward and achieving their desired business outcomes. Many advisors express a sincere desire for a particular type of practice; whether they are seeking scale, growth, or a lifestyle practice, certain […]

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How can Financial Advisors use AI?

Witness the transformation of financial management through AI and the opportunities and considerations advisors like you need to know. In light of the speed of the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), our industry is increasingly becoming aware that it is necessary to stay informed and consider how to leverage AI to gain a competitive edge […]

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Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions

Protect Your Advisory Business and Client Experience In an era of rapid change, do you find yourself navigating an ever-shifting landscape fraught with challenges and opportunities? As champions of financial stability and architects of prosperous futures, you shoulder the weight of your client’s dreams and aspirations. With this great responsibility, advisors like you may face […]

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Unveiling the Untold Secret: The Trend of Independent RIA Firms Surrendering Control of Their Destiny

For the last 15-20 years, the financial industry has seen a growing trend of advisors embracing the fiduciary mindset and running fee-based businesses, allowing them complete control over their operations, investments, client experience, and more. However, a new development has recently emerged that challenges this traditional path. The M&A landscape has experienced significant activity, with […]

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Harness the Power of Relationships 

Attempting to accomplish everything on your own is a daunting task. Eventually, it may become impractical or unfeasible since there is only one of you, and the workload can become overwhelming. As your business grows, your responsibilities increase proportionally. Despite the expanding to-do list, it’s crucial to maintain up-to-date documentation and continuous improvement of the […]

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Navigating the Waters Amid Black Swans

Strategies and Tips for Financial Advisors Bring the experience of calm success to you and your clients. While “black swan” market events such as the recent banking system failures and potential impact may cause anxiety and nervousness, it also creates the perfect atmosphere for advisors to switch into proactive mode and bring an experience of […]

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The Anatomy of a Breakaway

Key Considerations for Financial Advisors Transitioning to Independence Do you imagine transforming your fee-based business into a successful RIA? Are you seeking greater independence and control over your practice and the benefit of potential growth? When breaking away from a broker-dealer, the first thing to consider is what to expect during the transition process. What […]

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Forget What You Know About Outsourcing Investment Management

There is a better way.UN-TAMP™ your business. We’ve been quiet about it for a while, but we want more financial professionals to know that our investment management program is different from anything else you’ve ever seen. “I started working with a third-party money manager, which was one solution to me which lessened the load of […]

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Our Top 5 Most-Read Articles for Financial Advisors

As we look back on 2022, we’re highlighting some of the most popular articles that our audience of financial professionals found most helpful and insightful. From advisor best practices to industry trends, they all contain valuable points to consider when building and growing a successful financial advisory practice.  This is not an inflation thing… Most […]

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SET THE STAGE for Deconstructing to Reconstruct

deconstruction noun[. dēkәn’strәkSHәn] the act of breaking something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood: Deconstruction is a hot topic for advisors as we lean into the heart of business planning season. This time of year presents a natural opportunity to […]

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A 6-Step Roadmap for Standing Out in a Crowded Market

If you’re like most advisors, you’re not a marketing mastermind by nature. Your underlying talents, strengths, and passion are incorporated into the financial planning or wealth management solutions you provide your clients. (Isn’t that what called you to this profession in the first place?) As a financial advisor—if you are fulfilling your unique professional purpose—then […]

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This is not an inflation thing…

A feeling: It’s what successful firms and great financial advisors DO DIFFERENTLY. Here’s what we mean. Have you ever spent $32 on homemade cookies? Or something else that was non-essential, but made you feel really great? (We promise this message is directly applicable to you as a financial advisor…keep reading.) Even in the midst of economic chaos, as […]

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Speak Your Truth, Find Your Tribe

Advisors are evolving. And our industry seems to be broadcasting this announcement to independent advisors: “Stop swimming in the sea of sameness. It’s okay to shed any of your old fears about delivering a marketing message that’s personal, specialized, and true for you. In a world of sensory overload, it’s time to be—and share—your authentic […]

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You’re Not Alone: REAL Independence, Full Support, Total Control…

The Best of All Worlds? Once again, our Virtual Ensemble® service offering and concept is resonating with advisors. Even in (and perhaps even more BECAUSE OF) a landscape of uncertainty, many advisors are seeking the highest level of independence and autonomy. They want the flexibility to remain in control of all decisions relating to their […]

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What’s your Client ‘Sweet Spot’?”

“Who is your ideal client? What’s your ‘sweet spot’?” For many advisors, these questions aren’t so simple to answer. We GET it. For years, we’ve gotten these very same questions from advisors and colleagues alike. Eventually, we realized (clearly) that what OUR target advisor audience shares has very little to do with AUM. There is […]

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Does Your Business Pass The Triple M Test™?

What does “independence” mean to you? These days, countless advisors are seeking independence or thinking about breaking away. With so many options, many are unsure about which direction will truly make the most sense for their unique situation. What are the right questions to ask throughout this transition process? How can you increase the likelihood […]

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You’re Not Alone: RIA Marketing Plans to Grow Your RIA Business

If you’re breaking away or forming your own RIA, you may feel alone with your marketing and growth efforts. Like most independent advisors, you’re eager to get your unique message out into the marketplace, but most of the time you’re at a disadvantage without the resources and support of a larger firm. That’s why advisors […]

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Why You Need an Investment Philosophy and IPC

★ What’s Your Investment Philosophy? Do you have one? Are you familiar with the concept? An investment philosophy IS NOT a granular, quantitative description of top 10 holdings and research details. It doesn’t require several pages of explanation. An investment philosophy IS a high-level description of your discipline and belief structure about managing your clients’ […]

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WHY & HOW To Raise Your Fees

Last month we began a discussion surrounding advisor fees. That piece started out by asking, “Have you ever raised your fees? If you’re an advisor, probably not.” Based on our experience consulting with hundreds of financial advisors over the years, we’d assert that many of those outstanding advisors may be undercharging clients. Caveat: As fiduciaries, […]

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Should You Raise Your Fees?

Have you ever raised your fees? If you’re an advisor, probably not. But why not? Outside of our industry, have you ever encountered or hired another professional who has never raised their fees? Over the last 10 years, the cost of practically everything in our world—from technology to taxes—has gone up, continuously shrinking advisors’ margins. […]

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Deeper Client Connections Through Transparency & Technology

The Power of Transparency & Technology As we have all navigated through the pandemic over the past 18 months, change has become normal and expected. Industry-wide, financial planners who seek to survive—and thrive—have had no choice but to adapt and adjust along the way. This is *not* a bad thing. This new, ever-changing landscape has […]

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Working From Home: the New Normal

Is Now the Perfect Time to go Independent? Many financial advisors—along with their happy clients—have successfully adapted to a new, much more virtual landscape. Working and conducting business remotely has simply become the new normal for many of us. In our world of broker/dealers and custodians, firms commonly have multiple branches in big cities. Due […]

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The Power of a Coach or Advocate

What is a coach and why is having one so instrumental to your success? A coach is your advocate…someone who wants you to succeed…someone who exists to help you to create and execute tasks which align with your goals. Like a trainer in the gym, our Practice Development team provides this type of solution for […]

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Don’t Be Afraid to Blaze Your Own Trail

Everyone has their own road to climb. But we all have to find our own way to the top. At certain points in our lives, we need to decide whether to stay on the well-traveled road…or blaze our own trail. As we get older and more set in our ways, We often aren’t willing to […]

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How are you GROWING?

If you took away market growth over the last several years, did you know that the vast majority of financial advisors are actually NOT growing? At some point the markets will change. This is of particular concern for advisors who have aging clients. Right off the bat, each year money is earmarked to leave client […]

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The Perfect Solution for Breakaway Advisors

Just imagine transforming your fee-based business into a thriving RIA. What’s holding you back? If you’re like many advisors, you may be having any and all of the following concerns. But read on…because your fears may be unfounded: Whether your goal is to manage $50M or $1B, FocusPoint’s established breakaway solution can actually help you […]

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You SHOULDN’T become an RIA.

Is that what you’re telling yourself? The RIA business model IS NOT for everyone. However, if you’re one of many advisors who know—deep down—that you really should make the move to the RIA model, you may have limiting beliefs about doing so. Do any of these sound familiar? “My clients won’t come with me if […]

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Who Are You?

No really, who are you? What’s your unique story? Can you quickly and smoothly describe your compelling value proposition and what makes you special in your clients’ eyes? Why do they work with you? Why did they choose you? If you aren’t able to articulate this in 30 seconds, you are not alone. Sure, you’re […]

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2020: A Year of Deeper Connection

As 2020 comes to a close, we reflect on the new landscape financial advisors have journeyed through this year. • This year: Events have brought to light how committed independent advisors are to their clients. As their trusted advisor, now more than ever, you offer your clients so much more than a financial plan—you provide […]

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A Successful Transition to Independence

Why Wait? Map Your Route Now! If you’ve been thinking about forming your own RIA, you already know it’s a journey which will require your time, careful planning, and commitment. But don’t let that hold you back…just ask advisors who chose to go through the process whether it was worthwhile. Their typical, resounding response: “Yes!” […]

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Let Us Handle Your Back Office Burden.

You CAN create and maintain a business that doesn’t require your constant involvement, yet allows you to keep the level of control you desire. Just ask the many advisors who have chosen us as their trusted partner. With FocusPoint supporting you behind the scenes, your time is freed up to focus on what you enjoy […]

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Define, Articulate, and Deliver your

You’re seeking REAL RESULTS. We’ve designed our hands-on Practice Development Program to help you create them. FocusPoint can help you not only DEFINE, but clearly ARTICULATE and successfully DELIVER your unique brand and message. How? By helping you build the right strategies which will allow you to successfully EXECUTE your customized sales and marketing plans. […]

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Architect Your Unique Blueprint for Success

For over 15 years, independent advisors have looked to FocusPoint Solutions for help with outsourcing their day-to-day back office activities. At the same time—included in our service offering*—they are able to take advantage of our comprehensive, flexible Practice Development Program. Unlike other practice development advisor offerings you may be familiar with, our program culminates in […]

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Autonomy and Leverage: It’s YOUR Business

As an independent advisor and business owner, you want to do what’s best for your clients. But at a certain point, you realize one person can’t do it all. How can you maintain the autonomy and leverage you need, while freeing up your time to focus on your true skill sets and purpose? FocusPoint offers […]

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The Leverage, Independence, and Support You’re Seeking

The world has changed significantly, but our Virtual Ensemble® service offering continues to stand the test of time. Many advisors are looking for a business model which offers them all the economies of scale and synergy of a traditional ensemble, while allowing them to truly keep their independence and remain in control of all decisions […]

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How will you grow this year?

Have you grown in recent months by bringing in net new assets, or has your firm increased in size largely due to market growth? What will your outflows/distributions look like this year? Build, market, and grow your business and brand—at your own pace. Whether you’re ready to add 5—or 50—client relationships this year, we’re here […]

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Breaking Away: Setting the Stage for Success

Thinking about breaking away? It’s a venue which requires your time, careful planning, and commitment…but just talk to an advisor who has made the transition and they’re likely to say, “I only wish I had done it sooner.” For almost 15 years, FocusPoint Solutions has been guiding advisors along the path to independence. Learn How […]

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Your Roadmap for Outsourcing, Growth, and Practice Development

Interested in back office outsourcing? Transitioning to independence? Growing your business? An experienced team and integrated technology? A complete, personalized practice development program? Then look no further. FocusPoint Solutions has been providing back office outsourcing solutions to advisors for almost 15 years. Here are some case studies of advisors we’ve helped. We offer you a […]

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A Successful Transition to Independence: Let FocusPoint Help!

Making the transition to an independent business model or your own RIA is a big task which requires careful planning and commitment. We can help!

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Your Roadmap for Breakaway Success

Have you heard the MYTH that in order to be successful, you must be affiliated with a larger firm? (We know it’s not true, and so do the many advisors we support nationwide.) Here are some of the benefits the advisors we support enjoy: Growth FocusPoint’s established breakaway solution can actually help you grow…while giving […]

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A Roadmap for Success: How Advisors Make Big Business Changes

Have you ever wished to spend less time on certain areas of your business that might be outsourced—or eliminated altogether? How many hours or your time each week could be freed up by moving to the RIA business model? How could having more flexibility and/or consistent operational and investment processes positively impact you, your staff […]

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Break Away and Break the Mold

Have you heard the MYTH that in order to be successful, you must join a larger firm? (We know it’s not true, and so do the 75+ advisors we support nationwide.) Our established breakaway solution can actually help you GROW…while giving you the ability to maintain true independence. We’ve seen, over and over again, that […]

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Want your own RIA—not the burden that goes along with it?

FocusPoint Solutions can help you make the successful leap to having your own RIA—or improve upon the one you already have. Our Virtual Ensemble® offers advisors many of the benefits they’re accustomed to at a larger firm or wirehouse. This takes much of the burden off of them while they remain at the helm of […]

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To Grow or To Maintain… What’s Ideal For You?

Where do you want to take your business? Do you want to grow…or maintain your current level of business to create a more ideal lifestyle practice? For many advisors, the paths leading to success in either case may include outsourcing to an experienced firm. If you’re like many advisors, you have a good vision of […]

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Hire a Co-Pilot and Elevate Your Business This Year

Definition of Co-pilot: A qualified pilot who assists or relieves the pilot but is not in command. Are you ready to elevate your business to its highest level yet? It’s time to get excited. You CAN accelerate past the competition with the consistency, expertise, dedication, and trusted partnership of FocusPoint Solutions. Transform your business into […]

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Leverage, Independence, Flexibility, Efficiency… Is a Virtual Ensemble® right for you?

If you’re like many advisors, you may be searching for a solution that allows you to enjoy all of the economies of scale and synergy of a traditional ensemble—while keeping your independence and remaining in control of all decisions relating to your business. The right solution for you may be our service offering, which offers […]

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No one can do it all. When does outsourcing make sense?

If you’re going it alone, even with one or two key team members at your side, as your business grows, you may find yourself more and more buried in administrative details. It can be overwhelming to make sure your company’s processes (for internal operations, reporting, billing, investing, trading, etc.) are well-documented and continuously updated. What’s […]

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6 Positive Points: Setting the Stage for a Successful Transition to Independence

If you’re thinking about forming your own RIA, you recognize it’s a serious venture, one which requires your time, careful planning, and commitment. But don’t let that hold you back…ask advisors who chose to go through the process whether it was worthwhile. Their typical, resounding response: “Yes!”. For over 12 years, the FocusPoint Solutions team […]

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Too much time on quarterly reporting and billing last month?

If you’re like many advisors, quarter-end means the beginning of a painful period of days—or weeks—spent dealing with quarterly reporting and billing. The hours spent on these essential but tedious activities can really add up, draining the advisors or staff responsible for them. When it comes to reporting and billing, the advisors we consult with […]

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Outsourcing: An Extension of You.

Going it alone isn’t easy. At some point it may no longer even be an option. There’s only one of you, and no one can do it all. Growth goes hand in hand with more responsibility. And even as your business expands and your daily to-do list gets longer, you still have to make sure […]

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The Reality of Transitions: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Planning to transition to a more independent or ideal business model? If you’re like many advisors, you’ve probably done a significant amount of planning and research to prepare for a move. FocusPoint Solutions has significant experience and a strong history of leading advisors through their unique transitions to ultimately help them reach their goals. Learn […]

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Do you want to focus on growing your business?

FocusPoint Solutions often consults with advisors who want to spend more time working on their business—not in it. At the end of the day, most advisors have very little time to think about creating a plan to build business. And it’s hard for them to remember things being any other way. At some point, many […]

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Learn from these advisors’ robo experience

Our company helps advisors who are ready to transform their business models. Season 4 of InvestmentNews’ Practice Makeover series was especially impressive, compelling, and timely. The advisors profiled this season really opened up and shared their journey with the audience. Their main goals? To educate themselves enough to make an informed decision about whether and […]

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How does your ideal business compare with the one you’re managing today?

Your time is a precious commodity that can’t be replaced. When your plate is full, it can feel like everything requires your immediate attention. This can make it especially tough to prioritize tasks based on their urgency or importance. If you don’t make a conscious effort or plan which allows you to focus on the […]

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Preparing your business for succession…and an invite for a webinar this Thursday, April 30.

As you’ve probably heard, earlier this month NASAA adopted a model rule requiring all state-registered investment advisors to “establish, implement and maintain written procedures relating to a Business Continuity and Succession Plan”. Learn more about the rule in an article published online by InvestmentNews last week. Want to learn more about the new NASAA rule […]

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Are you prepared for succession? Here are 8 tips on designing and implementing a successful transition plan for your business…

Your time is a precious commodity that can’t be replaced. When your plate is full, it can feel like everything requires your immediate attention. This can make it especially tough to prioritize tasks based on their urgency or importance. If you don’t make a conscious effort or plan which allows you to focus on the […]

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Why and How to Raise Your Fees

Are you charging clients enough? How and why to consider raising your fee… Last month we began a discussion about reconsidering your fee structure this year. If you’re like many advisors who offer clients an incredibly valuable and broad array of services, you may not fully grasp this value—or have trouble quantifying it—so you may […]

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Is the fee you’re charging clients too low?

Here’s a New Year’s resolution that may resonate with you: “In 2015, I will commit to emphasizing my role as the business owner of my advisory practice.” Sound compelling to you? As a business owner, are you content with the amount of revenue your business is earning, when you consider all of the unique and […]

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Do you enjoy managing employees?

Over the course of many years, our firm has worked with advisors to help them successfully create the practices they’ve always wanted. A big reason the advisors we support enjoy such a high level of success stems from their decision to delegate or outsource many of their non-client-facing activities—they now have more time and energy […]

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Are your technology bases covered?

If you’re like many successful advisors whose schedules fill up quickly with client meetings and busywork every week, occasionally it may hit you that in order to prepare for future growth and build capacity into your business, you need to improve upon your efficiency and profitability—and in this day and age, this probably includes making […]

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What’s stopping you from building the business you really want?

More often than not, advisors may have an idea of what they want their business to look like, but at the end of the day they don’t end up taking the steps that will get them there. So what are the most common motivators to start making big changes to your business? There are several […]

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Back by popular demand: More tips on making a smooth transition to independence

Our industry has shifted significantly toward the fee-based or fee-only business model over the past few years. And an ever-growing number of advisors continues to contemplate making the move to independence. Working for many years alongside advisors on this journey has allowed us to gather hands-on insight throughout those transitions. Last month we shared some […]

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How Can You Help Ensure a More Successful Transition to Independence?

Today, for any number of reasons, more advisors than ever are choosing the independent route. It’s a big task which requires careful planning and commitment, but ask advisors who have gone through it whether the time and effort they spent to ultimately achieve independence was well spent. They’ll very likely respond with a resounding “Yes!” […]

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Seeking a Better Work-Life Balance? You’re Not Alone…

Earlier this year we had the pleasure of participating as a consultant in the Renovation Room of the new series created by InvestmentNews, titled “Practice Makeover”. The first installation of the series featured one great advisor who had hit a capacity wall and wanted a better work-life balance. The final episode, during which this advisor […]

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Watch as this Advisor Undergoes a Practice Makeover in Real Time…

Have you had a chance to check out this series online yet? If not, it’s worth checking out. InvestmentNews has created a new segment called “Practice Makeover”, and through it they’re committed to focusing in on one great advisor who has hit a capacity wall and wants a better work/life balance. With the help and […]

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Making Sense of Your Outsourcing Options in 2014

If you’re a busy advisor who has considered outsourcing any area of your business, then you already know you have many good options. Our consulting team often has conversations with advisors who are either overwhelmed with, or unaware of, all the choices available to them today. It can be tough to differentiate between the benefits […]

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What are the most common obstacles we’ve seen successful advisors challenged with in 2013?

As another year-end rapidly approaches, we thought it would be a good time to recap what our team has learned from talking with many advisors in 2013. What we often find is that certain business practices frequently end up preventing good-intentioned advisors from moving forward and achieving the businesses they really want. So many advisors […]

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